
I am a life-long learner, world traveler and literacy specialist. Over the years I have explored various cultures in 35 countries, on three continents, maintained journals documenting my experiences, lived in Iran for three years, and with families in Rajkot, India and Fez, Morocco.  While residing in the village of Kassala in the Sudan, I learned from members of the Eritrean Liberation Front about their struggle to liberate Eritrea from the Ethiopian Government of Haile Selassie.  My exploration in the United States took me to 47 states with a focus on places of historical interest, Native American Reservations and “small town” America.

The years spent living and experiencing life outside the United States has led me to understand the need for broader educational goals that will enable students to live productive lives in a global society. The first step is diminishing fear of the “other”, and multicultural children’s literature can be used from elementary through high school. Using picture books is an excellent non-confrontational strategy to broach controversial subjects in the upper grades and introduce younger children to other non-western cultures. This approach works because “story” not only challenges the intellect, it touches the heart.